Worldwide Friends


Story of this place

Norðurfjörður is apart of Árneshreppur the least populous municipality in Iceland, with only 53 inhabitants. It stretches over a wide area, though, covering some 780 km2. The population density is thus only 0, 07 individuals per km2. The area does not enjoy any public transport, apart from one to two weekly flights from Reykjavik to Gj ö gur, a small settlement which is only inhabited during the summertime. The area is a paradise for hikers.


During the workcamp we will be cleaning the coastline in Project Strandir : which is the most rural area in Iceland. Every day we will work 5 to 6 hours. During the coastline cleaning we will document the process by weighing the garbage we find as well as measure the meters and square meters of the coastline we cleaned. On days w ith very poor weather conditions, we will be sorting and cleaning the things we find with the goal of reusing and recycling. We will be doing workshops together every now and then about global warming and sustainability. If you have ideas for workshops tha t you would like to do yourself then that is always welcome.

Leisure Time

Worldwide Friends volunteers have free access to the local geothermal heated swimming pool in the village. Traditionally, natural pools have played an important social role in Icelandic culture. Some leisure activities will also be organized. The area is one of the most popular in Iceland for hiking so please bring your hiking shoes.

Accomodation and Food

Worldwide Friends volunteers will be staying in a local building in Nordurfjordur. Beds are provided; however, volunteers should bring their own warm sleeping bags or borrow one from WF if they don provided f ’ t want to bring it. Wireless internet access is ree of charge. Food is included for the duration of the workcamp, however, everyone is expected to do their fair share of the cooking and cleaning.

Additional Information

There is an extra participation fee of 400 euros for this workcamp. The fee includes the trip from Reykjavik to Strandir and back again which is almost 600 km in total and takes 2 full days (the first day of the camp and the last one). Thi s trip includes several stops where you will discover unique Icelandic sights.


Flights arrive at Keflavik International Airport (KEF), just south of Reykjavik. The meeting point is at 09.00 am at the first day of the camp in Tjarnargata 11 which is the city hall of Reykjavik.


A basic knowledge of English is required for this workcamp. Requirements: No special requirements

When can you join

Beach cleaning where the road ends
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Some insight from this workcamp